Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Burt the porn star?

So, there's a porn star version look-a-like Burt Reynolds out there named Sasha Gabor.

First of all, I always sort of considered Burt Reynolds to be a porn star himself, albeit without the "credentials" of Mr. Gabor.

Second of all, Sasha Gabor is awesome!

Apparantley, the real Dr. Burton Leon Reynolds is none too fond of Gabor - and why not? This swingin' D is out there tarnishing the good doctor's name! I did some Wiki-digging and apparantley this Diet-Burt is from Hungary! Gross. The only way to make a porn star more disgusting is if he were from Hungary. What do you think his undercarraige smells like?
I'm guessing: mud.

The only other thing I could find out about him was that in 1984 he got paid $350 to make a film called Every Woman Has a Fantasy.

Speaking of which:

Did you know that according to US News & World Report, 87% of American women fantasize about Burt Reynolds at least three times a day?

(Side note: who's had more women in their day: Burt or Sasha? Even though Sasha does It for a living, I'm guessing B.L. Reynolds has tripled his Number).

Sasha's movie parodies are however, quite funny.
For more on Gabor - I'm guessing he's not related to Zsa Zsa? - check this out.

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